Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shopping Mania

Robyn called me about 5:30, she couldn't talk long because she was on her way to the Mall of America! I believe that means she's doing just fine!! :D She had several seminars today and said she really enjoyed all of them. She volunteered to get up early and be the first to shower so she could dry and straighten her hair. She's lucky too because she gets a bed to herself, another girl opted to sleep on the floor. Said she slept really well, course I got an email at 11:45pm from her stating that she was at a dance! So I imagine she was so exhausted that she crashed! So anyways, she's having a great time and doing really well!! I'm so proud of her!!

OH! She just texted me, said that the city is huge!! Keep in mind, we're from Maine!!!!

Here's a link to see where she is and what she's doing:

*****Update*****Just got a text saying "having a blast" and "amazing"!! She was in my favorite place/store QVC!!!


Cheryl said...

Look out comes Miss Robyn! She probably has fallen for the bright lights and fast life of the big city, wait til she gets back here! I am so glad she is having a great time and what great memories she will come home with. Auntie is sooo proud of you!! Don't forget Ashy wants a t-shirt!! (I will pay you back!)

Melissa said...

Holy camoley, a QVC STORE?!?! She was in your Heaven!! :D