Saturday, November 1, 2008


I have to say.....getting up at 6:15 on a Saturday morning is pure TORTURE!! UGH, and I have to do it all over again tomorrow. While everyone else in the house is snuggled in their warm beds, snoozing away......Off to work I go.........yawn!!


Melissa said...

I got to "sleep in" until 7:30 this morning...yay! Have a great day - and don't forget those pictures you promised! :D

Kristine said...

WAA WAA WAA. Have fun with the sick people!!

Cheryl said...

Wow-I didn't get up until 9ish-after my sweet husband brought me coffee in bed. And, even got to have a "snuggle fest" with Miss Ashton, just like the good old days.

Anonymous said...

Humph!!! The nerve of you Cheryl - I'm jealous! I do believe, that after the girls get on the bus, I'll go back to bed tomorrow! Must prepare my nerves for when Robyn leaves on Wednesday!

Cheryl said...

I do hope my dear little sister got a chance to go back to bed after the kids left for school...You can practice crying in the shower for Wednesday...that usually works for me! Just think, Tiz will take great care of you :)

Jumper said...

I know you all will miss me!!:)