Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ohhh Krissy

WE FINALLY GOT A SIGN!!!!!!!!!!! Only took 2 yrs from when the other one was stolen!!!


Kristine said...

OMG!!!!! Make sure you have a full time guard out there to protect it!

Kimberly said...

Maybe next time I come over I won't drive PAST your road again.

Jean said...

Great sign! Great name!

Melissa said...

It still sounds like a good name for an asylum... lol!!

Ya know, all you had to tell me was that you wanted your sign back!! :D

Jumper said...

It would be a great name if it actually had a meaning.(Our road isn't the quietest:( )

Cheryl said...

You know Auntie thinks the name sounds like....

Margaret said...

hhmmm...it was stolen about the time you were here for 2 weeks!!!