Friday, July 31, 2009

Pros and Cons

So here is my list of why its a good thing we've had a rainy and cool summer (2" from being the rainiest on record, which I'm sure we'll beat before the middle of August)

1) Save on electricity, all 3 air conditioners are still in the basement on the shelf

2) Lawn looks GREAT! Usually its burned and dead by now

3) Save my skin, I haven't had a sunburn

4) Save on money, only had to buy 1 thing of sun lotion

5) Save on gas, hardly had to use the air conditioner in the car and open the windows slightly

6) Haven't bought as much ice cream this on weight!!

7) Lots and lots and lots of inside quality time with the girls (did I mention lots?)

8) Its made the kids use their imagination to come up with things to do

9) Haven't seen the dreaded boa constrictor (okay so its a garden snake) this summer on the front step

10) Lots of "lazy" PJ days!!

Of course there are bad things.....

1) Small tourist town, need the sun to boost local businesses

2) Everything in the house is damp and icky feeling

3) Wet dog smell

4) Wanted to walk all the Land Trust walking trails this summer - haven't

5) Seems like the sun comes out the days I have to work

6) Yup, still wet dog smell

7) The weather gets you down

8) My garden hasn't grown at all, think the rabbits, chipmunks and everything else ate it. Plus a lot of it had mold

9) Weather makes people cranky

10) Orange slugs...........eewww!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Who's on it???

From where I work, across the water, this "ahem" little yacht appeared and docked! Look how little the boat is that is driving by it!!! I did some research and found that the owner of the boat is the 4th richest guy in the world! He charters the boat out (one can only dream) and I wonder .....who's on it??
Not only a helicopter, but two 17' platoon boats aboard! Look familiar to anyone??? Whoever it is, actually waved to us! Course was probably wondering who the crazy lady in the pink scrubs standing on a heli pad snapping pictures, with 2 kids and 3 other people!

The female on board, she didn't seem like she was crew member, but who knows!

Since I wasn't invited aboard, guess I have to leave you with pictures of Lady Christine
that I found on the web.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back to reality!

Here are more pictures of camping. Robbie and the girls sitting relaxing on our 1 sunny day we had!

Tiz Kayaking

Robyn Kayaking

Robbie READING!! Well, its Uncle Henrys but still! Boots is glad that we are home!!! So much so, he's done nothing but meow constantly for the past few days!

Today we went out on "Available" to watch the launching of the tug "Lois Ann L Morin" at Washburn & Doughty. 1 year ago was the tragic fire that burned the place down completely. They've rebuilt a huge building and this was their first launching. The tug that was launched was in the building during the fire.

Getting ready to launch

We actually had the opportunity to go under sail on the boat! Weather was rainy, damp and cool - but the boat was so smooth and gorgeous. Believe it or not, I would like to go out on it on a sunny day!! That's a lot coming from me, because I'm not a boater!

Tiz had the pleasure and honor of announcing the launching, when the boat hit the water, by blowing the air horn!

Sorry, but I couldn't resist snapping this!!! PRICELESS!

So despite all the rain we've been having, we had a great camping trip! We went to the drive-in and saw Ice Age 3, went for nice long drives and fell in love with the Town of Caratunk! Its absolutely GORGEOUS in the mountains and a lake. Camped with good friends and already made reservations with them to go for 4days in August!
Now back to reality and back to work this weekend. Robyn has her last hour of driving on Saturday, and Robbie has the pleasure to ride with her (requirement is a parent must ride for an hour and shucks, I have to work - darn) and then hopefully within the next week or so she will have her drivers permit. Tiz is keeping herself busy playing with her American Girl doll and Barbies. We are just hoping that the sun comes out soon and stays for a while!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sssshhhh he's actually relaxing!!!!

Socks, keeping a watchful eye out for the chipmunks

Our site from the pool. Socks sitting looking rejected cause she couldn't come

My little bookworm! Takes after her mum!!

Today since it was overcast, cool and sprinkling we went SHOPPING!!! Robyn found a new store and fell in love with it. Labelshopper. Named brand things at a fraction of the cost. She was thrilled to buy herself new clothes, and only spend $40 because her items had a red dot, which meant an additional 40% off!! Me? Well I was thrilled with my $1 broom from the dollar store since I forgot mine at home!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday 7-8-9

Here is a picture of about 1/4 of all the balloons that were blown up for the 4th of July Celebration. Robyn and Tiz had a great time, it was a busy day there and the kids LOVED the games and prizes that Robyn picked out. The other day my cousin, Wayoutwest, posted this wonderful recipe that she found on The Pioneer Women . It looked heavenly and I couldn't resist!! So last night I made baked Ziti and the delicious pie and took it down to the ambulance station to eat with the rest of my duty crew. Needless to say, it was FABULOUS and a hit. Easy to make and highly recommend it!
Blogger isn't cooperating very well right now, I've got other pictures but it won't let me post for some reason, so I leave you on another rainy day, a day where I've been debating whether to turn the furnace on (yes on 7-8-09) with a thought of what this rain could be!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

MY blog - mine, mine mine all MINE

Yes that sounds childish, but some people seem to be.

Contrary to popular believe, this is MY blog. This is where I post what I want. Its called Freedom of Speech. I use this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, joys of my family and whatever else I so choose. I type the truth, so if the truth hurts - I'm not sorry. SO if you are offended by my blog then the obvious solution is not to read it. That is common sense (aka a no brainer). However some people have no common sense.

Anyways, enclosed are pictures of the girls blowing up balloons getting ready for the 4th of July celebration at the Center tomorrow. Robyn is in charge of the kids games, has been doing it for several years.