Thursday, November 27, 2008


Wishing everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Remember to count your blessings, no matter how big or small!

Here are a few of my thankful things:

  • My wonderful husband, for providing me a wonderful life and 2 beautiful girls
  • My 2 girls, for showing me what love really is - for the many laughs and even tears
  • My mom - for being strong in so many ways
  • My "seasoned" Sissy - for being there for me and my girls and being a great Auntie
  • My health
  • Having a house that will be warm this winter and not having to worry about feeding my family
  • My great new job that I absolutely LOVE
  • My friends, who are there to make me laugh, listen to my complaints and always have a hug when needed

Those are a few, I could go on ...... but time to put the turkey in. What are your thankful things??


Cheryl said...

And you're thankful for your amazing niece who has a special place in your... PANTRY!

Margaret said...

How could I forget my special niece who eats me out of the household!! ;)

Cheryl said...

Groan...are you kidding me?? Ashton does what?? I am so ashamed...I am so very thankful for my wonderful husband, three children, dog and my dear sister Margaret and her wonderful family. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Love, your big Sissy.

Margaret said...

Nah, she's good - she doesn't actually eat me out of the house - completely!! LOL


Jumper said...

I am thankful for all ya!!

Cheryl said...

So Robyn, when you get your license will you return the favor and come visit us at night and do an "Ashton" and go through the cupboards?? I hope so!

Cheryl said...
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