Wednesday, November 5, 2008

She's there!!!

She just called, while in the plane, she's taxi-ing to the gate at the airport. They need to get taxis now and head to the hotel and then go to a reception party. She said the flight from GA to MN was better than the one from ME to GA. Her ears didn't bother her as much the last flight. But she's wicked stuffed up. So I can breath a sigh of relief that she's on the ground, and focus on worrying on something else!! LOL!!


Heather said...

You're one brave mama...I'm sure you were very happy to get her phone call. She will have such a good time on her trip.

Melissa said...

She's going to have a great time - and she's got such a good head on her shoulders, I know she'll be ok. Hugs to you!

Kimberly said...

So amazing to get to MI from Maine you need to go all the way down to GA!

Cheryl said...

Glad Robyn arrived safe and sound! Imagine how I felt when I sent the two younger ones at the tender ages of 10 and 12 to New Orleans with the Y!! But I did have a few nice days to myself with no worries...Robyn will do fine.