Friday, November 21, 2008


Dang!! The cold air has hit us with a vengeance!! We've had temperatures in the teens at night and this morning, heavy frost on the truck windshield!! The wood stove has been working hard keeping us toasty warm. Thank goodness!! I did finally have to break down and turn the heat on because I worked yesterday and couldn't keep the stove going. So when the girls got home it was 64 in here. Had to tell them to turn it up. A shock to the system since its usually 78 in here with the wood stove!! So that was the first time the heats been on - very nice, since its usually in October. The benefits of not working full time!!!!!!!


Cheryl said...

Brrr is right...However, it was a whopping 65 in MY house with the furnace running :) I have been known to turn it up to 68 when no one is looking...

Melissa said...

Winter is definitely coming!! :D

Jean said...

Our wood stove is working hard for us these days, too. Molly and I went out for a walk a little while ago and decided to take the short route once we realized how downright frigid it is out there.