Monday, January 19, 2009


Tiz making a snowball with her snowball maker
that Sissy bought her for Christmas

The snow was perfect for making them!

Riding the snow scoop

And the post wouldn't be complete without
a picture of the foolish cat, waiting for the woodstove
to heat up.


Melissa said...

Ah, you've got some good snow there!!! Not like our sissy snow!

Cheryl said...

A snowball maker? My, how times have changed...The photo of the cat waiting to warm up is great.

Kristine said...

Joshua loves his snowball maker too. Your pets are very odd Margaret. Then again, they are from Maine!

Jean said...

Snowball maker??!! THAT'S what's missing from my life. I knew there was a void, I just didn't know what it was.

Margaret said...

Go by yourself one, and your life will be complete Aunt Jean!! ;)

Cheryl said...

It just hit me, actually the cat is pretty clever to be sitting in front of the stove!