Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More pictures, nothing to say


Melissa said...

I want to go skating now. :)

Kristine said...

Is Robbie on his cell phone? lol

Cheryl said...

FINALLY! Thought maybe my "Sissy" fell off the face of the earth! Love the skating shots, looks like you have your very own hockey team. How great that Robbie and his girls enjoy skating. And where is the photo of you ice-dancing??

Margaret said...

Nah, haven't fallen off the face of the earth...yet. Just busy and no clue what interesting to post. I didn't want to show up everyone with my triple toe spins and such. Actually I bought new skates last weekend, however a certain 14yr old stole them and I have to go out and buy some more. They are in between figure and hockey skates. Have great support and keep toes warm. Robyn does FABULOUS with those ones and not well with plain figure skates. I skated for 2.5 hrs last weekend, and was even able to move the next day!