Sunday, February 1, 2009


Robyn is selling Girl Scout cookies, she just got the order form, however it has to be in within the next week. So if you want some, let her know!!!!


Cheryl said...

Put in an order for caramel delites for Uncle Mark please Robyn. Two boxes.

Anonymous said...

Ashy will take 3 boxes caramel delights, and 4 boxes thin mints!

Melissa said...

For my parents:
1 Trefoils, 1 Do-Si-Dos, 1 Sugar-Free Choc Chips, 1 Thin Mints. How much are yours per box? Leave me a FB message with my total, and I'll send a check up this week so it's there when the cookies arrive.

Thanks!! :D

Jumper said...

Thanks Everyone for you orders! The money will help my troop earn our Gold Award the biggest award in Girl Scouts.
PS. Still time to order!!

Cheryl said...

Good job Robyn with the selling. What a great honor you will earn.

Anonymous said...

4 boxes Thin Mints and 1 box of Caramel Delights for the Rego's!

Anonymous said...

Change mine to 3 boxes Caramel Delights, 2 boxes Thin Mints.

Cheryl said...

Hey Robyn-You don't have to be in your full G.S. uniform pounding on my door anymore to sell the cookies?? My, how times have changed! Your Mom's blog is the perfect way to sell cookies, no muss, no fuss! How are your sales coming by the way?