Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recent days with the Hams

We had an absolutely GORGEOUS day today. It was sunny and somewhat warm, mid 30's, today. We enjoyed some outside time. Breaking up the ice in the driveway and walkway, shoveling off the camper roof, bringing up wood and just enjoying the fresh air. Opened the windows in the house 2 days in a row to air it out. Or as my mum says "blow the stink out". Now we are hunkered down and getting ready for another snowstorm that is suppose to hit us tomorrow night into Monday. 6 or more inches of snow. We'll see!!

Socks enjoying the sun on top of a snow pile

Tiz on top of the snow pile

Tiz and Socks enjoying the warm sun!!
A friend and fellow EMSer got us some shrimp. Last night Robbie and Robyn picked shrimp and froze it.

Below is a WONDERFUL video of Robyn trying to attempt to pick shrimp!


Jean said...

I agree: Today was a beauty. The sky was as clear as could be. Isn't picking shrimp the pits!? Delicious food, but you sure have to work to enjoy it.

Cheryl said...

Hahaha...was that a dry heave, Robyn?? If so, we certainly know where that comes from...I laughed so hard over her shrimp picking. I would be more than willing to be that good ole' Robbie did the most of it! But, think of the delicious shrimp rolls, shrimp stew, fried shrimp, shrimp scampi, etc.,etc. you will enjoy later on. Let us know when you are serving it :)

Cheryl said...

Ahem...are you all "fed up" over there?? Couldn't resist...Anyhow hope all is well and glad all ended safely. Great chatting with Robyn as she ice-fished. She is too much :)