Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just some whining.....

I still don't feel good and don't (can't) fully trust the stomach. We've been without power for a day you can only play so many games, charades and crafts in the limited daylight. And its only been a day!!!! (course I'm only 1 out of 190,000 w/out power) I'm at work so Robbie has them the next 2 days, which they say we may not have power until Monday or Tuesday. Which means my freezer has gone to waste. I vacuum daily and already having withdrawals on that. Not to mention the laundry piling up. Again, its only been 1 day w/out the power so far! I can't sleep at night because I have to have a fan running to sooth me to sleep, Robbie's extra loud snoring didn't help any! Its cold. I can't get in the Christmas spirit to decorate, didn't get my shopping done because I was sick. Can't this weekend because I work all weekend. Explorer needs new ball joints or something a rather, which means over $500 worth of parts, the plus on that is Robbie can do it himself.

There, I feel a tad bit better whining and feeling sorry for myself!!!! Time to move forward!!!


Cheryl said...

Would you like a little cheese with your whine?? Hey, let 'er probably felt better after you wrote it. You vacuum EVERY DAY??

Jumper said...

YES. she vacuums everyday. There can't be a speck of dirt on the ground!! LOVE YA MOMMY!!!