Wednesday, March 17, 2010


St. Patricks day means corned beef and cabbage in our house!  So today that's what I made!  Now all our bellies are full and the fingers are swelling!  So worth it, I've got plenty of water to drink!

The bread dough enjoyed the warm weather today and rose quickly!

Came out SO good!

The plate full of yummy food!

               The Lemon-Blueberry dessert.  Not very nice looking in my pan, but was HEAVENLY!


Cheryl said...

I think I gained a couple of pounds just by looking at the yummy dessert!

Margaret said...

Next get-together I'm going to make it!! DELISH!

Jean said...

Drool. Slurp.

Is it my imagination, or does that slice of bread on the plate look like a bunny's head?

grammie g said...

Hi!! just came across you on a comment you left on someones blog!! Hmmm!! was that confusing?? Your St. Patty's day dinner looks great--just like my Mom and I used to make---and the dessert---well--was that one with the calories removed??? Looks delicious!!!

Margaret said...

Grammie G, thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you around. Yes, of course that was a fat free, calorie, transfat, sugar free dessert!! Well, in my dreams anyways!