Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A diagnosis...........

Got a text from Melissa, one doctor said the echo test came back showing it was rhuematic fever. They were relieved to get a diagnosis finally, but that was short lived as another dr insists its Kawasaki Disease and wanted to treat Sara for that.

So they are starting treatment for Kawasaki. Treatment needs to be started within 10days of onset. If it is Rhuematic Fever, the treatment won't hurt it. They are going to give her a high dose of aspirin, which causes Reyes Syndrome. The reason being that the IV meds causes risks of blood clots. Plus there's also the risk of heart issues. So while they have a diagnosis - they still aren't out of the woods yet. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers please!!!


Special hugs to siblings Emily and Abby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please tell Melissa and her family that I am keeping them all in my prayers!