Yesterday we spent the day at the Topsham Fair. We went with the intention of just doing the tractor pulls. Well, we ended up getting the girls unlimited ride bracelets for $16 a piece. They went on over 15 rides - which if we bought tickets would of been over $120. They had a great time, lots of laughs to say the least! Back to the tractor pulls......usually they do the lawn tractor pulls first, notice I said usually? This time it was last, dead last, 4hrs later last, a fidgety 8yr old 4hrs last, not to mention a 40ish yr old mom!!! Watch the video of one of Robyn's pulls right to the last second, its priceless - do you see what happens? I wish I didn't shut my camera off when I did, it was hilarious!!!
Did you see what she does??
Here's some pictures of the rest of our day - we really had a blast! Tiz was in heaven with the rides, Robyn - well she's a good sport, even though she was green on the rides, she readily goes with Tiz! She's a great big Sissy!!
Hahahahahahaha....good one Robyn! But Auntie is laughing with you, not at you! You are amazing, especially to compete with "the guys". P.S. Auntie expects you to get your license on your first try!
P.S. Still laughing....
LOL, we all are still laughing over that! She was laughing so hard you could hear her over all the noise in the building!!
Love the new photo at the top of the blog-purty.
That's my hydrangea bush that I've had for 3yrs that finally has a tiny bloom on it!!
The hydrangea blossom is just beautiful!
I enjoyed getting caught up on your lives.
Love, Aunt Jean
i bet she did exceptionally well on the bumper cars. its a good thing both of you are emts.By the looks of her driving skills,she's lucky her mother is an insurance agent.What are the premiums for comp and collision on a 10 horsepower toro mower anyway? does the color red really affect the price?
LOL!! Court you are too funny, if only you could of been there...you would of made it even funnier!
Auntie in ME
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