This weekend was a busy one. I did my Thomas the Tank duty on Friday and Saturday. Actually was busy, had to put on 2 whole band-aids!! The 8hr shifts were actually long and tiring. There's only so many kids temper tantrums and tired parents that you can stand to watch!
Sunday was Stoneys Annual Lobster Run. There's usually several hundred motorcycles that come into town for it, but this year it rained so it kept lots away. But they still had a good turnout.

My big step as a parent occurred today. I let Robyn go out of town for the first time with my favorite 16yr old niece Ashton. Gulp, that's a huge step to let your daughter go off with a teenage driver. I trust Ashy completely and gave her my rules, that were on top of her mom's. Poor kid!! I soon came to realize that letting her go was minor after Elizabeth announced to me that she was going to be in the annual motorcycle parade when she is older!!! God help me!!
Time to go wake up Robbie after his 3.5hr nap. He gets to go to work at 2am tomorrow. So he napped and thinks he'll go to bed around 7 for a few more hours. Wish I could fall asleep like that!
So very glad that Ashton could help provide one of those "big first moments that parents dread"! Believe me, its as hard on me as well! Ashton has called several times and each time, I can hear Robyn giggling in the background!
We had a blast. And we were safe. We listen to ALL the rules!
Didn't we raise the bestest girls ever?? And as for Tiz "no comment" about the motorcycle riding :)
I dread the days you have already survived! Yikes... Although, if my girls turn out nearly as responsible as Robyn is, I'll be quite happy! :D
And Tiz...oh Tizzy.....you are the wild child!
This is ashy... tell Tiz it's my dream in life to ride in the parade as well. Tell her in a few years we'll go together. :-)
Whaaattt??? Ashton Anne! You and Tiz riding hogs together??
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