Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Shopping

The girls and I just got back from school shopping. My poor debit card is panting from its over use! I think school supplies cost more than their school clothing. I really wish that they went to uniforms, it would be so much easier on the budget.

A week from today, at approximately 7:20am, they will be on the bus headed to school! You can picture the happy dance that I'm going to be doing. Now I love my girls tremendously, and I have enjoyed the summer off, but the last week they have been at each other constantly! They ususally get along really, really well - but I think boredom has finally sunk in. I'm in shock still that I have a freshman and 3rd grader!!!

I've added some pictures of Robyn in her goalie outfit (she's now the JV Goalie and substitute Varsity goalie) and of a future goalie! Also pictures of our camping weekend with our friends the Lewis's and Mayottes.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A VERY.............


Here's hoping that the best present is Sara coming home from the hospital today. We're praying she will be!!!

****UPDATE: Rec'd a text from Melissa......the doctor told them to get Sara dressed, so its looking like she's going home!!!!!! They just have to wait for the paperwork. YIPEE!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From Melissa's sister

Here's an email that I got from Melissa's sister:

I talked to Missy last night and she said the treatment hurt Sara when it first went in - it burned her and she cried a lot. The nurse said they were probably going to have to remove the line and put it in again. Missy didn't want to do that because of how Sara was crying and asked if they could do anything else. They put some ice on the entry site and she was fine. Abby and Emily were there visiting with Ron and Sharon when they started it. An RN stayed in the room to observe Sara while it went in. It took about 6 hours for the first treatment - from 2:30 to 8:30. She said the doctors told them there was some damage to Sara's heart - carditis, which is a swelling of the heart muscle, and Sara had some fluid around her heart. It's not permanent - if they left things untreated it could be. They told them they should see improvement in her in the next couple of days so they are hoping for that. Not sure when she can come home yet - hopefully soon. She will be on low doses of aspirin for a while, and has to go back 3 weeks and 6 weeks after she comes home to be checked. Because tomorrow is Emily's birthday, Missy plans to leave the hospital early tomorrow morning and be home when Abby and Emily wake up, take Emily to school, come home and make the birthday cupcakes she promised, and then go back to the hospital and probably have Sharon bring them in to school for her.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A diagnosis...........

Got a text from Melissa, one doctor said the echo test came back showing it was rhuematic fever. They were relieved to get a diagnosis finally, but that was short lived as another dr insists its Kawasaki Disease and wanted to treat Sara for that.

So they are starting treatment for Kawasaki. Treatment needs to be started within 10days of onset. If it is Rhuematic Fever, the treatment won't hurt it. They are going to give her a high dose of aspirin, which causes Reyes Syndrome. The reason being that the IV meds causes risks of blood clots. Plus there's also the risk of heart issues. So while they have a diagnosis - they still aren't out of the woods yet. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers please!!!


Special hugs to siblings Emily and Abby.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Prayers please!

Please say a prayer to my dearest friend, Melissa, little Sara. Sara is one of the twisters and just turned 4yrs old. She was admitted last night to Childrens Hospital in Knoxville TN. We don't know much, other than she has had a fever and strep throat, and a rapid heart rate. Her pediatrican did blood tests and is concerned about the results. They feel something else is going on and admitted her for further testing. So please put Sara Hickman in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the rest of the family, Melissa, Rob, Emily and Sara's twin Abby.

***update @ 6:00pm: Talked and texted Melissa, they've done an echo on Sara, waiting results from that. She's nervous because they took over 100 pictures of the little ones heart. Adenovirus came back negative. They chose not to treat for kawasaki disease until they get the results from the echo. She ate earlier in the day (does have an iv) but after a nap her temp spiked to 102.8. They gave her motrin, and the temp is going down - but she's not eating. :( Rob and Melissa will be staying with her for the night, and hopefully we'll know more soon!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Small town girl wins BIG

The womens rowing team won the Gold Medal!! Which is extra special considering one of the rowers is from our small town!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Topsham Fair

Yesterday we spent the day at the Topsham Fair. We went with the intention of just doing the tractor pulls. Well, we ended up getting the girls unlimited ride bracelets for $16 a piece. They went on over 15 rides - which if we bought tickets would of been over $120. They had a great time, lots of laughs to say the least! Back to the tractor pulls......usually they do the lawn tractor pulls first, notice I said usually? This time it was last, dead last, 4hrs later last, a fidgety 8yr old 4hrs last, not to mention a 40ish yr old mom!!! Watch the video of one of Robyn's pulls right to the last second, its priceless - do you see what happens? I wish I didn't shut my camera off when I did, it was hilarious!!!

Did you see what she does??

Here's some pictures of the rest of our day - we really had a blast! Tiz was in heaven with the rides, Robyn - well she's a good sport, even though she was green on the rides, she readily goes with Tiz! She's a great big Sissy!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


A very happy 4th birthday to the twisters, Abby and Emily and also a very happy ?? birthday to their mom, Melissa!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The weekend

This weekend was a busy one. I did my Thomas the Tank duty on Friday and Saturday. Actually was busy, had to put on 2 whole band-aids!! The 8hr shifts were actually long and tiring. There's only so many kids temper tantrums and tired parents that you can stand to watch!
Sunday was Stoneys Annual Lobster Run. There's usually several hundred motorcycles that come into town for it, but this year it rained so it kept lots away. But they still had a good turnout.Check Spelling
My big step as a parent occurred today. I let Robyn go out of town for the first time with my favorite 16yr old niece Ashton. Gulp, that's a huge step to let your daughter go off with a teenage driver. I trust Ashy completely and gave her my rules, that were on top of her mom's. Poor kid!! I soon came to realize that letting her go was minor after Elizabeth announced to me that she was going to be in the annual motorcycle parade when she is older!!! God help me!!
Time to go wake up Robbie after his 3.5hr nap. He gets to go to work at 2am tomorrow. So he napped and thinks he'll go to bed around 7 for a few more hours. Wish I could fall asleep like that!