The girls and I just got back from school shopping. My poor debit card is panting from its over use! I think school supplies cost more than their school clothing. I really wish that they went to uniforms, it would be so much easier on the budget.
A week from today, at approximately 7:20am, they will be on the bus headed to school! You can picture the happy dance that I'm going to be doing. Now I love my girls tremendously, and I have enjoyed the summer off, but the last week they have been at each other constantly! They ususally get along really, really well - but I think boredom has finally sunk in. I'm in shock still that I have a freshman and 3rd grader!!!
I've added some pictures of Robyn in her goalie outfit (she's now the JV Goalie and substitute Varsity goalie) and of a future goalie! Also pictures of our camping weekend with our friends the Lewis's and Mayottes.