Yes, that's Tiz in a police cruiser....and thankfully she's in the front seat!! She had the night and ride of a lifetime on Friday. Our friend Scott, who's a reserve officer for Damariscotta, was on "speeding duty" for the department on Friday. He came over to the campground for burgers.....and then asked Elizabeth if she wanted to ride around with him for a while. If you know her, she's got big brown eyes that sparkle to begin with, and if you can imagine that they got even bigger and practically glowed! She was beside herself! So off they went, I figured a ride through the campground and maybe the end of the road. But no - he took her actually out! They stopped a few cars, one lady got a ticket, and didn't come back for over an hour. Needless to say she was wound up tighter than I dunno what! She kept saying that was the best night of her life and that Scott was sweet to take her. She's in still so excited and all she talks about. So, if you see her, go ahead and ask her what she thought........you won't be disappointed in her reaction!!! Now, lets make sure she stays in the front seat of a cruiser, not the back! ;)
Woohoo Tizzy! You had better not let Aunt Cheryl (from Maine) catch you in the back seat of a police car :) Wow-I can only imagine those pretty eyes just a poppin' with delight-I must hear all about your adventure. I am surprised though that she would ride in the front, we all know how conscientous she is about the airbag!
LOL!! You're right - I hope any and all future rides are in the front seat as well! :D
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