WOW what a wild and windy weekend we had! From Thursday, mostly on Friday, to Saturday we had heavy rains and high winds. Rainfall is said to be between 4-6" and the wind gust were 60mph. Which means power outages. We lost our Friday from midnight to Saturday afternoon around 5. CMP did a great job trying to keep up with it and getting power back up quick. Time Warner (which is our phone, cable & internet) was off and on until finally staying on for good late yesterday. When Robyn decided it was time to call them, they said they had not had reports of any cable problems. Guess we just assumed they knew there was problems with it.
So back to Friday, what happens when a big storm hits and trees are down and power outages, Robbie goes out with his chainsaw and goes with the fire dept, and making sure roads are clear for EMS to get through. I don't think we've ever had a storm that he's been here. I wouldn't know what to do if he decided to stay home. I'm use to being here by myself with the girls and without the power, keeping the stove going and trying to find enough flashlights. Last year we finally got a small hand cranked one so that Tiz can leave it on while she's trying to sleep. Less batteries we have to worry about! However that doesn't solve my problem of having to fall asleep with a fan on, without power = very little sleep!
Saturday the girls and I kept entertained by playing electronic Monopoly. I have to confess I only played one LONG game, the girls played several. Tiz and I also spent time reading. We really didn't miss the tv and computer all that much after all!
Great photos of Ocean Point. Love the photo of the girls playing games, look like they were very comfy, at least during the daylight hours. And what a hoot the photo of Socks was! Was she successful??
Socks is still digging, think she's almost to China!!
Great photos, Marg. I'm amazed at the amount of seaweed that washed up. I'd love to have had that for my garden! Let us know when Socks reaches China, please.
I could not figure out what Socks was doing. Then I saw her bum up in the air.. lol
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