WOW!! It is so hard to believe you are off to college tomorrow! Where is the little girl that thought Auntie was "backwards" when she was pregnant, who would spend the night and loved to be read to, especially Good Night Moon. The little girl that loved riding with her little cousin in the "jeep", loved going on camping trips. She grew up to be a beautiful young lady, that has an infectious laugh, loves to talk and has a magnetic personality! Who comes in to raid Auntie's pantry and fridge and then is gone in the blink of an eye. Who is SO good to my girls, taking Robyn to school and shopping. Picking Tiz up after school and taking care of her. THANK YOU!
You had a special place in my heart from the moment you were born, on my wedding day! A day that was more joyous than I could ever imagine! To watch you grow has been amazing. You have changed so much in the past few years. I would never of imagined that you would want to be a nurse. I always figured a teacher was for you, but your compassionate side popped out when you took the CNA class. You are such a caring, loving, sensitive, intelligent, fun loving, whimsical person that you are going to make a fantastic RN!
I've spent many nights talking with you, crying with you and laughing with you - you are like another child to me. You know that I'm here for you 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! I'm ALWAYS just a phone call away. You CAN do this, you are going to have a tough few weeks, but you will adjust just fine. We are all here for you when you need to hear words of encouragement, to vent frustrations, fears and worries. As well as joys. I especially can't wait to hear your stories, because I know you are going to have some good ones to tell. The girls can't wait to visit, and when you are settled (okay, okay when I can handle that you are on your own) I can't wait to come and have you show me around.
Ashton, I love you like one of my own and I want you to know how proud of you I am. Keep your chin up high, keep that beautiful smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes. More importantly be yourself! I'm with you in spirit tomorrow, I'm sure your mom will shed enough tears for both of us!! ;)
To my Sissy, I'm here for you too....tomorrow is going to be an emotional one for you with lots of tears shed (I'm going to need you to hold me up in 2yrs when I send Robyn off), I know you are proud of the young lady she's become. She owes all that from the love and support you and Mark have given her the past few years.

Ashtons 8th grade graduation w/mom & "dad"

Oh Sissy! Darn it I had my self pretty well under control today until I read your post. Ashton will be overwhelmed as I was when I read it. She is off to dinner in a fancy restaurent (not her usual Wendy's or McDonald's) and then to Galatic bowling tonight. The bags, boxes, crates are all packed and ready to go. I thank you for your wonderful words and owe so much to you and your dear family, being there for me ten years ago and all the way along the ups and downs of life! I couldn't have done it without your support and the knowledge that you would be there for my kids. Thanks doesn't sound enough! We all love you! P.S. I will hold your hand in two years, cherish each and every moment....
Margaret!! That brought tears to my eyes. That is so sweet! With an aunt like you and a mother like Cheryl, she can do anything. She is lucky to have such a great family supporting her!
I KNEW you'd have a beautiful post to Ashton and Cheryl, Margaret, and I was right. Yes, Ashton will probably have a difficult first few weeks, but then one day she'll suddenly realize she has settled into college life, and that she can handle it easily. I loved how you told her to keep her chin up. I was thinking just a week or two ago how your Grammy D always said that to me when I was feeling down. Oh, oh. I've got myself in tears now. The computer screen has suddenly gone all blurry on me.'s apparent how much you love your niece and how close you guys are!
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