Robyn came home after school to get ready for their first scrimmage, saying that she probably wouldn't be playing. After getting to the school to board the bus, I got a text message saying she was going to be goalie for BOTH the varsity and JV games!!! (which prompted Aunt Katie,
Tiz, Amelia and I to make a sudden trip to watch the game since it was gorgeous out) From what I understand, the varsity goalie suddenly hurt her back and couldn't play. Robyn was told it was up to her! She played a FABULOUS game, Coach Dickinson was proud of her and kept saying that she played outstanding and stepped up to the plate and gave it her all!! Needless to say, I was very proud of her too! OH....they also won, 5-3!!!

Waiting patiently

Getting ready

Other team "picking" on my baby!!!
Welllll...... I think it might have been that the goalie shirt was on backwards. I just couldnt take it off in time!
Yay Robyn! Auntie is very proud of you, especially having to "step up" at the last minute. I can't wait to see you in action.
FANTASTIC job Robyn!!!
Hey...all athletes have tricks and routines that get them ready for the game - maybe the backwards shirt is part of yours! ;)
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