Saw this boat and immediately fell in love with the name!!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Robbie's new toy
Late this summer, one of my co-workers mentioned that she was selling her Boston Whaler. She said it had been in storage for a few years and that it had never been in salt water! Robbie has been wanting a boat since we had to sell his 17yrs ago to build the house. So I jumped at the opportunity and told him about it. The price was right and the boat is a gem! It small so I can haul it behind my vehicle and take it with us camping. Plus easy enough to launch when we want. The intent is it gives Robbie and the girls something to do the weekends I work.

This is what happens when you don't pay attention and dad decides to go fast!
So we were able to go for our first official boat ride on Sunday the 13th and actually had a great day for it. Had a little picnic on the boat, went over to Bristol for a while and around Sheepscott River. Hauled it up and came home for a while, decided it was too nice a day and Robbie has been working 6am-10pm almost every night for 2 weeks and deserved to go back out. So we launched it in the Harbor and went around there, and thru the bridge and Southport. Hopefully the weather will haul and we'll be able to use in when we go camping Columbus Day weekend!! Unfortunately Robbie is in Rhode Island for at least the next 2 weeks and coming home late on Saturday and leaving Tuesdays - so doesn't look like it'll be used until then.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
School, birthdays, anniversaries and more!!
Sorry guys, but I have lots to blog about we've been busy the past week!! I'll start with the first day of school. Tiz started on Wednesday Sept 2 and entered the 4th grade! Robyn, being an upper classman now, started her Sophmore year a day later on Thursday!!!

On Friday, Sept 4, Robbie celebrated his 40th Birthday. We couldn't just let it slide by, so the girls and I (with the help of friends Mandy and Val) organized a surprise birthday party for him. We even pulled it off! Had a fabulous turn out too, which surprised me for a holiday weekend!

Uncle "Wobbie" with Amelia
Robbie's aunts, sister, niece, dad & daughters!
Tina, Robbie and Dad

Uncle "Wobbie" with Amelia
Then on Monday, Labor Day, we celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. I can truthfully say that we've been blessed with a wonderful marriage. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but that is what has made us have a stronger marriage. I married an amazing guy and am truly blessed. He's the most unselfish person I know, he cares more for others needs then his own. So many people are selfish and only care for themselves, not caring who they hurt in the meantime. These people give up and don't want to work at a marriage. It takes a lot of work, patience and love. Just like many things in life. Cripes, I know people who have been married 4 times and probably haven't made it to 18yrs between all 4!!!
Robyn had these FABULOUS shirts made up for us, she designed them!
Robyn and Elizabeth also made a fabulous video for us. Robyn really is creative. We've tried to post it, but having technical difficulties. If you're a friend of mine on Facebook, you can see it there. Lots of thought and hard work went into it and its absolutely terrific. Yes, it even made me cry!
Later in the day we went to my Sissy's house for a cook-out to celebrate my nieces 18th birthday. She had a full house of true family (Marks family has accepted her and her brothers into their family as one of their own) and friends who love, respect and support her as she enters "adulthood". The food was great, the gifts were fantastic, I wanted to sneak a few things home with me, and we had a great time.
Tiz and Ashy with the plaque Tiz made for her dorm room

Tiz and Ashy with the plaque Tiz made for her dorm room
Buddy snuggling with his adoptive "mum"
FINALLY, I wish to bid farewell to our "Texan" family. Louise and Sarah (aka Thelma & Louise) come and visit every other year. They bring their motorhome and park it in my mums "backyard" for 3 months during the summer. These ladies have become family over the years, as well as their family in Texas. Its so true that Texans are the friendliest people around. We love these guys so much, and will miss them terribly. But we always know they are just a phone call and plane ride away. Wishing Louise, Sarah, Joe and Freda a wonderful winter and be careful, because one day we will take you up on your Thanksgiving invitation!!
FINALLY, I wish to bid farewell to our "Texan" family. Louise and Sarah (aka Thelma & Louise) come and visit every other year. They bring their motorhome and park it in my mums "backyard" for 3 months during the summer. These ladies have become family over the years, as well as their family in Texas. Its so true that Texans are the friendliest people around. We love these guys so much, and will miss them terribly. But we always know they are just a phone call and plane ride away. Wishing Louise, Sarah, Joe and Freda a wonderful winter and be careful, because one day we will take you up on your Thanksgiving invitation!!
So, that's it for our crazy first week in September!! I didn't even get to mention the field hockey games!!
Until next time.......................
Monday, September 7, 2009
A very, very happy 18th birthday to my niece.....Ashton Anne Nickerson!! You've grown to be a beautiful young lady! In case you couldn't tell from the photo, Ashton was born in the wee morning of my wedding day! She made the day extra special to say the least! Since my sis was unable to make it to the wedding, after the reception we headed to Bath Memorial Hospital to meet our new niece!!!

Ashton and I have had a special relationship since then. She's a remarkable, beautiful young lady who never stops amazing me!!! She's got a heart of gold and is going to be a TERRIFIC RN.
Happy Birthday sweetie! Love you lots!!
Tizzy says she loves you too!!!!

Happy Birthday sweetie! Love you lots!!
Tizzy says she loves you too!!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
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