May 30, 1994 @ 5:28pm, Robyn Allyson Ham was born!!! Weighing in at 8lbs 1oz. I cannot believe my "baby" is 15yrs old today!!
I wish my beautiful "little" girl (and also the best big SISSY in the world) a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Words cannot express the love I have for you. Enjoy your day!!
What a wonderful day it was!!! Full of lots of surprises!! I woke up to come down the stairs to this wonderful sign the girls made and hung at the bottom.
A banner they bought at iParty!
Along with balloons Elizabeth learned how to do Origami (youtube) last night while we were out.
Robyn made a wonderful dinner of pork chops in mushroom sauce, potatoes and spinach
The dinner ended by a cake that they made while we were out, and actually cleaned up so I had NO idea what they had been up too! We didn't have any frosting so once again Elizabeth looked on the computer and found a recipe using confectioners sugar, lemon extract and of course - pink food coloring.
And here is my necklace that Robbie completely surprised me with!!! The open hearts by Jane Seymour. I've wanted this for a while. The girls had no idea he bought it either! So its funny to see that on the poster they made for me, that Tiz had drawn the symbol for the open heart!!
Hope every mother of 2 legged and 4 legged kids had a wonderful day!!! while I was at work Robbie hauled out the camper and opened it up! And guess what? NO RODENTS!!! Once again, the huge box of Bounce sheets that I bought at Sam's Club and placed in every little nook and cranny worked!! He power washed it and washed some of the blankets inside. I'm so excited to think that the camping season is about to begin! I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe we can find a place and go next weekend. At least for a night. Saturday night is Prom, but something came up with her cousin and Robyn is unable to go after all. So maybe a camping trip will cheer her up. I know a campfire and s'mores will do the trick!! Not to mention the celebration of winter being over!!!!
I'm a mother, wife, sister,daughter, auntie, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, cousin, friend, ER tech, EMT and insurance agent. I'm also mom to Socks our 5yr old black lab, Boots our 2yr old Lilac Blue Point Siamese and Mittens our 7mos old Siamese mix!
I've been with my husband for 22yrs, married 18. Doesn't seem it at all!! We met on the ambulance service and have been together ever since. We have 2 beautiful, bright and delightful girls ages 15 and 9. They are our pride and joy. We enjoy camping in our 5th wheel in the winter. 4wheeling and snowwheeling in the winter. We love family games on cold snowy nights!