Hey it Robyn reporting here from
Boothbay telling you about my
awesome trip. I went to Minnesota (if you didn't hear) for a
conference called
Healthy Kids/Healthy Community Convention. A group of us called the Core of Leaders raised money this past year and got lots of grants and a large donation from the
old YMCA director of $620. (Didn't feel bad he has a
Porche). Let me
explain the Core of Leaders to you. It is a group that helps build the 40 developmental assets in our community. Let me just say if you have never heard of them then you must read this,
http://www2.search-institute.org/assets/. So we hold a Youth
Summit every year for all
BRES and
BRHS students to attend at our local YMCA that is "within a stone throw of the schools'' that
basically reminds all youth of the 40 assets, that our schools try very hard to help build. We do fun fundraiser that no one would
ever think of. Such as a Flamingo Flock, which is were you can pay a small fee to get a group of

flamingos put on a friends lawn
anonymously. We have
raised $6,000 dollars off that at least. We have done a Guitar Hero
tournament, Car
Wash's, bake sales, and
basically anything you could think of.
The conference was at the Hyatt hotel in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The outside of the hotel. It looks small but it was everything that you can see the tall building, the little thing that says Hyatt, and everything else around it. It was 25 floors.

This was the speaker room were we had an opening
ceremony everyday
ceremony everyday with a
variety of different speakers and
My favorite class was a class that was called Tel-a-vision. (See if you can get what it means............................................................Tell A Vision, get it??? Well back on track. It is a website that
allows you to make a video of your dream for America and anything else that you want to make a video on. Here is the website
http://telavision.tv/ give it a try it is free, fun, and no downloads.
Here are some pictures of the confrence.

A very good speaker.
The lobby from one of the floors.
A bathroom were 4 girls stayed.(my room)
My hand on the hope wall.

A room where 4 girls stayed.

More of our room.:)

I LOVED these little people. They had different colors everywhere and I wanted to take one and take it as a carry on!

Lovely me on the 25 floor!

Ok. My most favorite part. So excited..... Drum roll please..........
http://mallofamerica.com/. I had the best time there. I would
sooooo go back if I had a chance. We went one day and didn't even get through half of it. And we didn't think that we would get to go back..... but one of the adults wanted to go back and offered to take me... so do you think I would say no? Well I didn't. I got to go to the mall 2 times. We got through most of it. It was so
saweeeet. You just had to be there to see how amazing it was. There was 3
roller coasters in it. A log flume, a Dora the Explorer
Ferris Wheel, and plenty more. We could have spent
at least a day in just that part. I went into the
QVC Store and they were airing one of the shows there. I have a picture of the on air sign that was LIGHT UP. It was amazing. There was an American Girl Store that was 3 floors, a zillion other stores that I have never heard of. Here are some pictures. And by the way it was

Our dear friend George Bush is behind me in this pic.
don't i miss the

George again!
QVC at the mall!! and the on air sign....
Well i am VERY tired so i am going to take a nap. I have more pics so maybe i will put a few more on later. TTYL;)